
您所在的位置:网站首页 where are you going是什么时态 英语时态


2024-07-14 03:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语学习者经常混淆一些单词,特别是在类似的背景下。在谈论计划或想法时,我们经常使用“going to”、“thinking of”和“wondering”等词。这里是对每一个词的解释帮助大家进行区别。


Firstly, all three phrases are in the Past Progressive tense. This tense is used to talk about something that started happening in the past, without needing to be connected to the present.首先,这三个短语都是过去式。它们的时态是用来谈论过去发生的事情,而不需要与现在联系起来。

To create the Past Progressive tense, we start with a subject, then a past tense form of the “be” verb (ie: was or were), finally followed by a present participle or “verb +ing”.过去时的形成是以主语开始,然后加上be动词的过去式(即was或者were),最后加上一个动词的过去分词或者是“动词+ing”形式。

Subject – be – verb +ing 主语 –  be动词 – 动词+ing

I told her that I was going to wash the car the following day.我告诉她第二天要洗车。

We were thinking of visiting Auntie June this Summer. 我们想在今年夏天去旅游。

Tony was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner. 托尼想知道你是否愿意留下来吃晚饭。

was /were going towas /were going to

Was/were going to means that you had a definite plan to do something in the past. Or, that you were traveling to a place. For example, if you say We were going to Disneyland, it means that we either had definite plans to go there. Or, that I am telling you about the actual moment that we were traveling to Disneyland. Was/were going to意为你过去对于做某事有一个明确的计划。或者你过去要去某地旅行。例如,如果你说We were going to Disneyland,这意为我们有一个明确的计划要去那,或者是在传达给我们一个事实:我们在过去的某段时间正在去迪士尼旅行。

Keep in mind that there are normally three situations when we would use this phrasal verb. 请记住,在以下三种情况下,我们会使用这个短语动词。

1. When explaining how plans made in the past were changed at a later time for some reason.解释过去的计划是如何在之后的一段时间由于某种原因而改变。

We were going to go swimming today, but it is really cold.我们本想今天去游泳,但天气很冷。

Sarah was going to meet us for dinner but she has to work late. 萨拉本打算和我们共进晚餐,但她得加班。

2. In reported speech, as a reported speech form of the “future tense using going to”.在间接引语中,going to 是间接引语中表达将来时的一种形式。

I was telling Steve how we were going to launch the new product when our boss walked in.当老板走进来的时候,我正告诉史蒂夫我们将如何推出新产品。

Sarah and Jo were deciding where they were going to eat dinner when the phone rang.萨拉和乔正在决定他们要去哪里吃饭,这时电话铃响了。

3. When talking about the past action of traveling to a location.谈论过去去某地旅行时

The Smith family was going to Bermuda for a holiday.史密斯一家打算去百慕大度假。

They were going to a Thai restaurant for lunch last I spoke to them. 他们要去我提过的一家泰国餐馆吃午饭。

was/were thinking ofwas/were thinking of

When using the phrase was/were thinking of, it can mean two things.当使用was/were thinking of这个短语的时候,这有两层含义。

Either it describes a moment in the past when someone was thinking about a person in connection with a specific event or item.它描述的是过去某一时刻,某人在想与某个特定的事件或项目有关联的人的时候。

We were thinking of you when deciding what flavor birthday cake to get. 在决定买什么口味的生日蛋糕时,我们一直在想你。

The old man was thinking of his wife and how she used to love playing the piano.老人想起了他的妻子,她曾经多么喜欢弹钢琴!

Or, was/were thinking of is also used when talking about a choice of action that was not yet certain. It was (or is) still not a sure thing and open to change.此外,was/were thinking of用来谈论一种你不确定的选择。这仍然是一个随时会变的不确定事件。

John was thinking of buying either a red or a blue car.约翰想买一辆红色或蓝色的车。

Sally and Tom were thinking of getting married in May but weren’t sure if they could find a church in time. 莎莉和汤姆想在五月结婚,但不确定他们能否及时找到一个教堂。

was/were wonderingwas/were wondering

What makes was/were wondering different from the other two is that it’s not about action. was/were wondering与其他两个短语不同的是,它描述的不是动作。

When you are wondering something, it means that you are thinking about something and are unsure of the answer. So was/were wondering means the action of thinking of something in the past of which you were unsure of the answer to.当你在考虑某事的时候,这意味着你在想这个事情并且你并不确定答案。因此was/were wondering意为你想的是发生在过去的某一件你不确定答案的事。

Was/were wondering, is often used with indirect questions, where it is followed by a question word such as, where, who, what, etc. Was/were wondering常与间接引语连用,后常接疑问词,例如,where, who, what等等。

We were wondering whether you would like to join us for lunch tomorrow. 我们想知道你明天是否愿意和我们一起吃午饭。

Sally was wondering where Steve had been all day.莎莉想知道史蒂夫一整天都在哪儿。





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